Repairs-Reinforcements of damaged or weak structures or constructing
Buildings and structures in general may be damaged. This can occur either endogenously, such as due to aging of materials, due to poor workmanship, due to poor maintenance, etc., or exogenously: Earthquake, Accident (eg explosion), Frivolous human intervention, etc.
Also when a building designed for a single use, residence for example and needs to change its use into a Shop or warehouse building, usually needs Repairs or reinforcements to be able to cope with its new role, due to changing cargoes that are required to stand safely.
The choice of civil engineer to undertake repair or reinforcement is a very serious issue because they need:
1) Specialized knowledge regarding the purely scientific-computational part but also in the practice of construction (materials, methods, developments)
2) Years of experience preciasly in this subject, in order to face new problems that occur almost always during the project.